Wave Hand Gesture Interface

Refer to Wave XR Plugin Packages about VIVE Wave™ XR plugin packages.

The Essence package provides the Wave.Essence.Hand.HandManager and Wave.Essence.Hand.StaticGesture.CustomGestureProvider interfaces to access the default and custom Hand Gesture data.

Default Gesture

Before retrieving the Default Hand Gesture, add the Hand Manager component from the menu item Wave > GameObject > Add Hand Manager.


Check if the Hand Manager existed by using the following code.

using Wave.Essence.Hand;

if (HandManager.Instance != null)


enum GestureStatus {
    // Initial, can call Start API in this state.

    // Processing, should NOT call API in this state.

    // Running, can call Stop API in this state.

    // Do nothing.



Which gesture types are supported depends on the system version.

enum GestureType {
    Invalid    = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Invalid,
    Unknown    = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Unknown,
    Fist       = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Fist,
    Five       = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Five,
    OK         = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_OK,
    ThumbUp    = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_ThumbUp,
    IndexUp    = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_IndexUp,
    Palm_Pinch = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Palm_Pinch,
    Yeah       = WVR_HandGestureType.WVR_HandGestureType_Yeah,


Retrieves the current hand gesture status.

GestureStatus GetHandGestureStatus()


Restarts the hand gesture component.

void RestartHandGesture()


Retrieves the current hand gesture of left/right hand.

GestureType(default) GetHandGesture(bool isLeft)

Native Types



Which gesture types are supported depends on the system version.

enum WVR_HandGestureType {
    WVR_HandGestureType_Invalid = 0,      /**< The gesture is invalid. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Unknown = 1,      /**< Unknow gesture type. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Fist = 2,         /**< Represent Fist gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Five = 3,         /**< Represent Five gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_OK = 4,           /**< Represent OK gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_ThumbUp = 5,      /**< Represent Like gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_IndexUp = 6,      /**< Represent Point gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Palm_Pinch = 7,   /**< Represent inversed Pinch gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Yeah = 8,         /**< Represent yeah gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved2 = 33,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved3 = 34,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved4 = 35,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved5 = 36,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved6 = 37,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved7 = 38,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved8 = 39,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved9 = 40,   /**< Reserved gesture. */
    WVR_HandGestureType_Reserved10 = 41,  /**< Reserved gesture. */


struct WVR_HandGestureData_t {
    public long timestamp;
    public WVR_HandGestureType right;
    public WVR_HandGestureType left;

Custom Gesture

Instead of default SDK-defined gestures, you can customize gestures by using the Custom Gesture Provider.

Add the Custom Gesture Provider component along with Hand Manager. You can refer to the sample Assets > Wave > Essence > Interaction > Mode > {version} > Demo > NaturalHand about the usage of Hand Gesture.


Use the namespace as the following code.

using Wave.Essence.Hand.StaticGesture;

Custom Gesture Reference Class


Checks if left / right hand has a custom gesture.


Customizes an single-hand gesture type.


Checks if there is a dual-hand custom gesture.


Customizes a dual-hand gesture type.

Custom Gesture Public Data


enum GesturePoint {
    Wrist = HandManager.HandJoint.Wrist,
    Palm = HandManager.HandJoint.Palm,

    Thumb_Joint0 = HandManager.HandJoint.Thumb_Joint0,
    Thumb_Joint1 = HandManager.HandJoint.Thumb_Joint1,
    Thumb_Joint2 = HandManager.HandJoint.Thumb_Joint2,
    Thumb_Tip = HandManager.HandJoint.Thumb_Tip,        // 5

    Index_Joint1 = HandManager.HandJoint.Index_Joint1,
    Index_Joint2 = HandManager.HandJoint.Index_Joint2,
    Index_Joint3 = HandManager.HandJoint.Index_Joint3,
    Index_Tip = HandManager.HandJoint.Index_Tip,        // 9

    Middle_Joint1 = HandManager.HandJoint.Middle_Joint1,
    Middle_Joint2 = HandManager.HandJoint.Middle_Joint2,
    Middle_Joint3 = HandManager.HandJoint.Middle_Joint3,
    Middle_Tip = HandManager.HandJoint.Middle_Tip,      // 13

    Ring_Joint1 = HandManager.HandJoint.Ring_Joint1,
    Ring_Joint2 = HandManager.HandJoint.Ring_Joint2,
    Ring_Joint3 = HandManager.HandJoint.Ring_Joint3,
    Ring_Tip = HandManager.HandJoint.Ring_Tip,          // 17

    Pinky_Joint1 = HandManager.HandJoint.Pinky_Joint1,
    Pinky_Joint2 = HandManager.HandJoint.Pinky_Joint2,
    Pinky_Joint3 = HandManager.HandJoint.Pinky_Joint3,
    Pinky_Tip = HandManager.HandJoint.Pinky_Tip,        // 21


enum GestureType {
    Unknown = 0,  // All other gestures not in predefined set
    Point = 1,
    Fist = 2,
    OK = 3,
    Like = 4,
    Five = 5,
    Victory = 6,


struct GestureHandData {
    public bool valid;
    public bool isTracked;
    public bool isLeft;
    public Vector3[] points;
    public Quaternion[] rotations;
    public GestureType gesture;


enum ThumbState { Close, Open }


enum FingerState { Close, Relax, Open }

Custom Gesture Public Static Functions


Retrieves the current default gesture type.

GestureType GetGesture(bool isLeftHand)


Retrieves the current single-hand (default or custom) gesture type in string.

You can customize the single-hand gesture type by using SingleHandGestureProducer.

VIVE Wave™ XR plugin provides an single-hand custom gesture type in Assets > Wave > Essence > Interaction > Mode > {version} > Demo > Gestures

string GetSingleHandGesture(bool isLeftHand)


Retrieves the current custom dual-hand gesture type in string.

You can customize the dual-hand gesture type by using DualHandGestureProducer.

VIVE Wave™ XR plugin provides two dual-hand custom gesture types in Assets > Wave > Essence > Interaction > Mode > {version} > Demo > Gestures

string GetDualHandGesture()


Retrieves the current hand state including each finger’s state.

Refer to ThumbState for thumb’s state.

Refer to FingerState for the other fingers’ state.

HandState GetState(bool isLeftHand)