Enum XrViewConfigurationType
The application selects its primary view configuration type when calling xrBeginSession, and that configuration remains constant for the lifetime of the session, until xrEndSession is called. The number of views and the semantic meaning of each view index within a given view configuration is well-defined, specified below for all core view configurations.
Namespace: VIVE.OpenXR
Assembly: VIVE.OpenXR.dll
public enum XrViewConfigurationType : uint
Name | Description |
XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_MONO | One view representing the form factor’s one primary display. For example, an AR phone’s screen. This configuration requires one element in XrViewConfigurationProperties and one projection in each XrCompositionLayerProjection layer. |
XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO | Two views representing the form factor’s two primary displays, which map to a left-eye and right-eye view. This configuration requires two views in XrViewConfigurationProperties and two views in each XrCompositionLayerProjection layer. View index 0 must represent the left eye and view index 1 must represent the right eye. |
XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO_WITH_FOVEATED_INSET | Four views representing the form factor’s primary stereo displays. This view configuration type represents a hardware independent way of providing foveated rendering. The view configuration adds two foveated inset views for the left and right eye separately to the already defined two views specified in the XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO view configuration. View index 0 must represent the left eye and view index 1 must represent the right eye as specified in XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO view configuration, and view index 2 must represent the left eye inset view and view index 3 must represent the right eye inset view. The new inset view 2 and view 3 must, after applying the pose and FoV projection to same plane, be contained within view 0 and 1 respectively. The inset views may have a higher resolution with respect to the same field of view as the corresponding wide FoV view for each eye. The runtime may blend between the views at the edges, so the application must not omit the inner field of view from being rendered in the outer view. The fov returned by xrLocateViews for each inset view relative to the corresponding outer stereo view may change at run-time, the pose for inset view and stereo view for each eye respectively must have the same values. |